Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Gramps ID P4516
Latitude -34.9298553467
Longitude 138.599395752
City Adelaide
State/ Province South Australia
Country Australia

Place Map


  1. Alice, Kenny [I17355]
  2. Andrews, Gordon Rupert [I17244]
  3. Badman, Ada Victoria Martha [I24533]
  4. Badman, Allan John [I27914]
  5. Badman, Allan Leslie [I17644]
  6. Badman, Ambrocia [I24535]
  7. Badman, Archibald [I24554]
  8. Badman, Benjamin Lyall [I17660]
  9. Badman, Donald Harold [I17643]
  10. Badman, Doreen May [I17661]
  11. Badman, Ella Ruby [I24286]
  12. Badman, Emily Maud [I17450]
  13. Badman, Emma [I24571]
  14. Badman, Emma Queen [I1382]
  15. Badman, Florence Mabel [I24542]
  16. Badman, Florence May [I24550]
  17. Badman, Frances Rachel [I1373]
  18. Badman, Frank Archibald [I24588]
  19. Badman, George Alfred [I24538]
  20. Badman, George Percy [I24532]
  21. Badman, George Percy [I2147]
  22. Badman, Gertrude Margaret [I24540]
  23. Badman, Irene Elizabeth [I24568]
  24. Badman, Joan Edith [I17359]
  25. Badman, Joel [I2149]
  26. Badman, Joel Reginald [I24584]
  27. Badman, John Irving [I17250]
  28. Badman, John Joseph William [I17354]
  29. Badman, Leslie Gordon [I24562]
  30. Badman, Lucy Anna [I24545]
  31. Badman, Mabel Maud [I24548]
  32. Badman, Malcolm Dennis Scholes [I24544]
  33. Badman, Mary Ann [I24516]
  34. Badman, Mary Emma [I2156]
  35. Badman, May Myrtle [I24275]
  36. Badman, Morris David [I24283]
  37. Badman, Olive Eugenie [I17251]
  38. Badman, Percy Archibald [I24556]
  39. Badman, Percy Walter [I24547]
  40. Badman, Rita Lilian [I17650]
  41. Badman, Ronald Hannaford [I17249]
  42. Badman, Ruby Pearl [I24573]
  43. Badman, Silvester George [I24580]
  44. Badman, Sylvester Pursey [I1245]
  45. Badman, Winifred Alice [I24273]
  46. Bairstow, Reuben [I17492]
  47. Bannister, George Henry [I17205]
  48. Barnes, William Albert [I17652]
  49. Bastian, Keturah [I27911]
  50. Becker, Albert Raymond [I17402]
  51. Bell, Albert Ernest [I17318]
  52. Bell, Clifford George [I17335]
  53. Bell, Edna Gladys [I17342]
  54. Bell, Gilbert Burn [I17343]
  55. Bell, Heather Ruby [I17344]
  56. Bell, Ida Hannah [I17336]
  57. Bell, Kenneth Clifford [I17341]
  58. Bell, Lily Elizabeth [I17337]
  59. Bell, Percy Archibald [I17334]
  60. Bell, Robert William [I17340]
  61. Bell, Victor Percy [I17345]
  62. Benger, Fredrick Ernest Edgar [I17431]
  63. Berry, Frederick Joseph Gideon [I17651]
  64. Bosisto, Florence Mabel [I17563]
  65. Bosisto, Glyndon Champion [I1243]
  66. Bosisto, Harold Glyndon [I1204]
  67. Bosisto, Maxwell Cameron [I1921]
  68. Bosisto, Reginald Simeon [I1298]
  69. Bosisto, Rolland William [I5201]
  70. Brooker, Victor Crichton Roffey [I17669]
  71. Burford, Audrey Mildred [I17437]
  72. Burford, Charles Thomas [I23214]
  73. Burford, David Percival [I23218]
  74. Burford, Elsie Jean [I17412]
  75. Burford, Emily Ann [I23212]
  76. Burford, Laurence [I17439]
  77. Burford, Reginald Arthur [I17444]
  78. Buxton, Gwenda Irene Shirley [I17539]
  79. Buxton, Victor Hedley George [I17538]
  80. Camp, Amelia May [I23221]
  81. Chambers, Cordelia Emma [I24591]
  82. Chick, Edward Stanley [I17199]
  83. Collett, Olive Maud [I5319]
  84. Cooke, Amy Lilian Elizabeth [I17512]
  85. Cooke, Frederick Alexander [I17519]
  86. Cooke, Frederick Joseph [I24517]
  87. Cooke, George Frederick Thomas [I17513]
  88. Cooke, Margaret Ann Adeline [I17510]
  89. Cooke, Minnie Beatrice Victoria [I17511]
  90. Cooke, Verna May [I17518]
  91. Coombe, Dorothy Irene [I17351]
  92. Coombe, James Ernest [I17349]
  93. Crossman, Archibald Frederick [I24424]
  94. Crossman, Frank Pursey [I24309]
  95. Crossman, Grace Hamilton [I24497]
  96. Crossman, Rachel Ann Pursey [I24306]
  97. Crossman, Walter Albert [I24325]
  98. Cunnington, George [I17456]
  99. Davis, Annie Ferguson [I17627]
  100. Davis, Elizabeth Doreen [I17625]
  101. Davis, Florence Hannah [I17261]
  102. Davis, Frederick Matthew [I17275]
  103. Davis, Gwyndolene [I17629]
  104. Davis, Jean Constance [I17628]
  105. Davis, Kathleen Elizabeth [I17626]
  106. Davis, Lilian Mary [I17274]
  107. Davis, Marjorie Muriel [I17623]
  108. Davis, Matthew Nicks [I1383]
  109. Davis, William Isaac Henry [I0238]
  110. Davison, Alexander Hubert Hawdon [I17564]
  111. Dawkins, Alan Ernest [I17361]
  112. Day, Brian Rowland [I17587]
  113. Deacon, Freda Winifred [I17597]
  114. Dowsett, Stella Blanch [I24563]
  115. Drummond, William Tyrie [I17310]
  116. Dunn, Agnes Jane [I17571]
  117. Dunn, Elsie Jane [I17185]
  118. Dutton, Edward Ernest [I17631]
  119. Ellery, Kenneth Wilfred [I24541]
  120. Elphick, Emily Doris [I17385]
  121. Family of Badman, Allan Leslie and Steele, Valma Lily
    1. Badman, Allan Leslie [I17644]
    2. Steele, Valma Lily [I17645]
  122. Family of Badman, Archibald and McShane, Mary Ann
    1. Badman, Archibald [I24554]
    2. McShane, Mary Ann [I24555]
  123. Family of Badman, Benjamin Lyall and Koen, Delia Veronica
    1. Badman, Benjamin Lyall [I17660]
    2. Koen, Delia Veronica [I17667]
  124. Family of Badman, Florence Mabel and Scholes, Kenneth
    1. Badman, Florence Mabel [I24542]
    2. Scholes, Kenneth [I24543]
  125. Family of Badman, Frank Archibald and le Peair, Violet Partricia Enid
    1. Badman, Frank Archibald [I24588]
    2. le Peair, Violet Partricia Enid [I17668]
  126. Family of Badman, John Joseph William and Alice, Kenny
    1. Alice, Kenny [I17355]
    2. Badman, John Joseph William [I17354]
  127. Family of Badman, Leslie Gordon and Dowsett, Stella Blanch
    1. Badman, Leslie Gordon [I24562]
    2. Dowsett, Stella Blanch [I24563]
  128. Family of Badman, Ronald Hannaford and Watts, Thelma Amy
    1. Badman, Ronald Hannaford [I17249]
    2. Watts, Thelma Amy [I17252]
  129. Family of Badman, Sylvester Pursey and Hulbert, Frances
    1. Badman, Sylvester Pursey [I1245]
    2. Hulbert, Frances [I1370]
  130. Family of Bannister, George Henry and Prosser, Margery Clements
    1. Bannister, George Henry [I17205]
    2. Prosser, Margery Clements [I17179]
  131. Family of Bell, Clifford George and Willison, Mary Muir
    1. Bell, Clifford George [I17335]
    2. Willison, Mary Muir [I17339]
  132. Family of Bell, Percy Archibald and Rule, Ruby Elizabeth
    1. Bell, Percy Archibald [I17334]
    2. Rule, Ruby Elizabeth [I17338]
  133. Family of Berry, Frederick Joseph Gideon and Badman, Rita Lilian
    1. Badman, Rita Lilian [I17650]
    2. Berry, Frederick Joseph Gideon [I17651]
  134. Family of Bosisto, Glyndon Champion and Farr, Roslin Waples
    1. Bosisto, Glyndon Champion [I1243]
    2. Farr, Roslin Waples [I1263]
  135. Family of Bosisto, Maxwell Cameron and Sabine, Kathleen
    1. Bosisto, Maxwell Cameron [I1921]
    2. Sabine, Kathleen [I4444]
  136. Family of Bosisto, Reginald Simeon and Long, Myrtle Cameron
    1. Bosisto, Reginald Simeon [I1298]
    2. Long, Myrtle Cameron [I1718]
  137. Family of Bosisto, Rolland William and Collett, Olive Maud
    1. Bosisto, Rolland William [I5201]
    2. Collett, Olive Maud [I5319]
  138. Family of Brooker, Victor Crichton Roffey and Badman, Doreen May
    1. Badman, Doreen May [I17661]
    2. Brooker, Victor Crichton Roffey [I17669]
  139. Family of Buxton, Victor Hedley George and Lean, Florence Irene May
    1. Buxton, Victor Hedley George [I17538]
    2. Lean, Florence Irene May [I27908]
  140. Family of Chick, Edward Stanley and Hulbert, Lurline Margaret
    1. Chick, Edward Stanley [I17199]
    2. Hulbert, Lurline Margaret [I17190]
  141. Family of Cooke, Frederick Joseph and Badman, Mary Ann
    1. Badman, Mary Ann [I24516]
    2. Cooke, Frederick Joseph [I24517]
  142. Family of Cooke, George Frederick Thomas and McIntyre, Rachel May
    1. Cooke, George Frederick Thomas [I17513]
    2. McIntyre, Rachel May [I17517]
  143. Family of Crossman, Walter Albert and Farrell, Lottie Evelynne Ann
    1. Crossman, Walter Albert [I24325]
    2. Farrell, Lottie Evelynne Ann [I24326]
  144. Family of Davis, William Isaac Henry and Hunter, Love Idyl Mignonette
    1. Davis, William Isaac Henry [I0238]
    2. Hunter, Love Idyl Mignonette [I0846]
  145. Family of Drummond, William Tyrie and Badman, Ella Ruby
    1. Badman, Ella Ruby [I24286]
    2. Drummond, William Tyrie [I17310]
  146. Family of Dutton, Edward Ernest and Davis, Kathleen Elizabeth
    1. Davis, Kathleen Elizabeth [I17626]
    2. Dutton, Edward Ernest [I17631]
  147. Family of Ellery, Kenneth Wilfred and Badman, Gertrude Margaret
    1. Badman, Gertrude Margaret [I24540]
    2. Ellery, Kenneth Wilfred [I24541]
  148. Family of Foord, David John and Gillett, Cynthia Claire
    1. Foord, David John [I17638]
    2. Gillett, Cynthia Claire [I17639]
  149. Family of Foord, Noel Augustine and Davis, Marjorie Muriel
    1. Davis, Marjorie Muriel [I17623]
    2. Foord, Noel Augustine [I17636]
  150. Family of Freeman, Harry Maxwell and Elphick, Emily Doris
    1. Elphick, Emily Doris [I17385]
    2. Freeman, Harry Maxwell [I17382]
  151. Family of Hackett, Walter Maxwell Champion and Davis, Gwyndolene
    1. Davis, Gwyndolene [I17629]
    2. Hackett, Walter Maxwell Champion [I17634]
  152. Family of Hailes, Thomas Albert and Whitford, Doris Margaret
    1. Hailes, Thomas Albert [I17457]
    2. Whitford, Doris Margaret [I17462]
  153. Family of Harvey, Alfred Henry and Cooke, Margaret Ann Adeline
    1. Cooke, Margaret Ann Adeline [I17510]
    2. Harvey, Alfred Henry [I17514]
  154. Family of Hicks, Dorrien and Pratt, Bertha Priscilla
    1. Hicks, Dorrien [I17285]
  155. Family of Hulbert, Albert Bertram Tinney and Dunn, Elsie Jane
    1. Dunn, Elsie Jane [I17185]
    2. Hulbert, Albert Bertram Tinney [I17154]
  156. Family of Hulbert, George Edwin Albert and Badman, Mary Emma
    1. Badman, Mary Emma [I2156]
    2. Hulbert, George Edwin Albert [I24266]
  157. Family of Hulbert, George Maurice Frederick and Gilmore, Jeanie
    1. Gilmore, Jeanie [I17191]
    2. Hulbert, George Maurice Frederick [I17152]
  158. Family of Karran, Douglas William John and Bell, Lily Elizabeth
    1. Bell, Lily Elizabeth [I17337]
    2. Karran, Douglas William John [I17346]
  159. Family of Lang, John William and Deacon, Freda Winifred
    1. Deacon, Freda Winifred [I17597]
    2. Lang, John William [I17593]
  160. Family of Lean, Clarence Sidney Lincoln and Bastian, Keturah
    1. Bastian, Keturah [I27911]
    2. Lean, Clarence Sidney Lincoln [I27906]
  161. Family of Lean, Frank Hubert and Taylor, Florence Alicia
    1. Lean, Frank Hubert [I27905]
    2. Taylor, Florence Alicia [I27909]
  162. Family of Lean, Samuel Albert Frederick and Badman, Ada Victoria Martha
    1. Badman, Ada Victoria Martha [I24533]
    2. Lean, Samuel Albert Frederick [I24534]
  163. Family of McKenzie, Frederick William and Badman, Irene Elizabeth
    1. Badman, Irene Elizabeth [I24568]
    2. McKenzie, Frederick William [I24569]
  164. Family of Mcleod, William John and Crossman, Rachel Ann Pursey
    1. Crossman, Rachel Ann Pursey [I24306]
    2. Mcleod, William John [I24307]
  165. Family of Pank, Seymour Charles and Torr, Alice Maud
    1. Pank, Seymour Charles [I17158]
    2. Torr, Alice Maud [I17162]
  166. Family of Pavia, Charles John and Pank, Lillie Clements
    1. Pank, Lillie Clements [I17160]
    2. Pavia, Charles John [I17164]
  167. Family of Prosser, Percival Howard and Pank, Adelaide Vera
    1. Pank, Adelaide Vera [I17156]
    2. Prosser, Percival Howard [I17165]
  168. Family of Schuetz, Oswald Herbert Arthur and Badman, Emma
    1. Badman, Emma [I24571]
    2. Schuetz, Oswald Herbert Arthur [I24572]
  169. Family of Smart, Eric Fleming OBE and Davis, Jean Constance
    1. Davis, Jean Constance [I17628]
    2. Smart, Eric Fleming OBE [I17633]
  170. Family of Stewart, William and Badman, Lucy Anna
    1. Badman, Lucy Anna [I24545]
    2. Stewart, William [I24546]
  171. Family of Venning, George Reinhold Jasper and Davis, Annie Ferguson
    1. Davis, Annie Ferguson [I17627]
    2. Venning, George Reinhold Jasper [I17632]
  172. Family of Waterhouse, Cyril Meredith and Burford, Audrey Mildred
    1. Burford, Audrey Mildred [I17437]
    2. Waterhouse, Cyril Meredith [I17438]
  173. Family of Weidenhofer, Karl and Davis, Elizabeth Doreen
    1. Davis, Elizabeth Doreen [I17625]
    2. Weidenhofer, Karl [I17630]
  174. Family of Whitford, Victor Frederick George and Badman, Emily Maud
    1. Badman, Emily Maud [I17450]
    2. Whitford, Victor Frederick George [I17455]
  175. Family of Whyatt, Laurence Frederick and Lean, Irene Gladys
    1. Lean, Irene Gladys [I17530]
    2. Whyatt, Laurence Frederick [I17535]
  176. Family of Williams, Aubrey Mervyn and Hallam, Thelma Winifred
    1. Hallam, Thelma Winifred [I17236]
    2. Williams, Aubrey Mervyn [I17240]
  177. Family of Wiper, George Herbert and Badman, Ruby Pearl
    1. Badman, Ruby Pearl [I24573]
    2. Wiper, George Herbert [I24574]
  178. Farr, Roslin Waples [I1263]
  179. Farrell, Lottie Evelynne Ann [I24326]
  180. Flanagan, Margaret Eliza [I24514]
  181. Fleming, Maxwell Charles Fredrick [I17426]
  182. Foord, David John [I17638]
  183. Foord, Noel Augustine [I17636]
  184. Freeman, Harry Maxwell [I17382]
  185. Gameau, John Lewis [I17312]
  186. Gameau, Margaret [I17313]
  187. Gameau, Victor Thomas [I17311]
  188. Gillett, Cynthia Claire [I17639]
  189. Gilmore, Jeanie [I17191]
  190. Hackett, Anthony Champion [I17635]
  191. Hackett, Walter Maxwell Champion [I17634]
  192. Hailes, Thomas Albert [I17457]
  193. Haines, Harry Lionel [I17557]
  194. Hallam, Olive Nora [I17238]
  195. Hallam, Thelma Winifred [I17236]
  196. Harrison, Henry Albert [I17418]
  197. Harvey, Alfred Henry [I17514]
  198. Harvey, Reginald Hubert [I17515]
  199. Hicks, Dorrien [I17285]
  200. Hicks, Rachel Elizabeth [I17286]
  201. Hinton, Harold Charles [I17192]
  202. Hulbert, Albert Bertram Tinney [I17154]
  203. Hulbert, Albert Cuthbert [I17188]
  204. Hulbert, Elsie Winifred [I17186]
  205. Hulbert, Eugenia Esther [I17187]
  206. Hulbert, Frances [I1370]
  207. Hulbert, George Edwin Albert [I24266]
  208. Hulbert, George Maurice Frederick [I17152]
  209. Hulbert, Harry Washington Hill [I17153]
  210. Hulbert, Lurline Margaret [I17190]
  211. Hunter, Love Idyl Mignonette [I0846]
  212. Janssen, Ellen Tabina [I24581]
  213. Karran, Douglas William John [I17346]
  214. Karran, Eleanor Rose [I17347]
  215. Kimber, Muriel Ruby [I4519]
  216. Koen, Delia Veronica [I17667]
  217. Lang, John William [I17593]
  218. Larcombe, Ruby Maud [I17445]
  219. Lean, Albert Gordon [I17536]
  220. Lean, Albert Victor William George Bestall [I27903]
  221. Lean, Clarence Dudley [I17527]
  222. Lean, Clarence Sidney Lincoln [I27906]
  223. Lean, Claud Percival [I27904]
  224. Lean, Florence Ethel Ada May [I27902]
  225. Lean, Florence Irene May [I27908]
  226. Lean, Francis Hubert [I17533]
  227. Lean, Frank Hubert [I27905]
  228. Lean, Frank Thomas [I27910]
  229. Lean, Hazel Louisa [I17531]
  230. Lean, Herbert Lancelot [I17534]
  231. Lean, Irene Gladys [I17530]
  232. Lean, Keturah Victoria [I27912]
  233. Lean, Margaret Amanda Victoria [I27901]
  234. Lean, Marjorie Alicia [I17532]
  235. Lean, Samuel Albert Frederick [I24534]
  236. Lock, Eva Gertrude [I24539]
  237. Long, Myrtle Cameron [I1718]
  238. Mackie, Dean Graham [I17353]
  239. Mahon, Virance Richard Edward [I24536]
  240. McAskill, Euphemia Kathleen May [I24425]
  241. McIntyre, Rachel May [I17517]
  242. McKenzie, Frederick William [I24569]
  243. McShane, Mary Ann [I24555]
  244. Mcleod, William John [I24307]
  245. Pank, Adelaide Vera [I17156]
  246. Pank, Arthur Lock [I17157]
  247. Pank, Elizabeth Margaret [I17159]
  248. Pank, George Thomas [I17155]
  249. Pank, Gladwys Ruth [I17171]
  250. Pank, Lillie Clements [I17160]
  251. Pank, Raymond George [I17172]
  252. Pank, Rhoda Lillie [I17170]
  253. Pank, Rita Isabell [I24292]
  254. Pank, Ronald Torr [I17169]
  255. Pank, Seymour Charles [I17158]
  256. Pavia, Charles John [I17164]
  257. Pavia, Dorothy Clements [I17176]
  258. Pavia, Kathleen Emma [I17175]
  259. Pavia, Victor Charles [I17174]
  260. Prosser, Gwendolyn Vera [I17181]
  261. Prosser, Jean Millicent [I17183]
  262. Prosser, Margery Clements [I17179]
  263. Prosser, Percival Howard [I17165]
  264. Richards, Benjamin [I17292]
  265. Richards, Frances Valda [I17295]
  266. Richmond, Robert Weems [I17642]
  267. Rogers, Sarah Luke [I24300]
  268. Rowe, Margaret Joyce [I24268]
  269. Rule, Ruby Elizabeth [I17338]
  270. Sabine, Kathleen [I4444]
  271. Sands, Valda Mary [I17245]
  272. Scholes, Kenneth [I24543]
  273. Schuetz, Oswald Herbert Arthur [I24572]
  274. Slack, Doris Fletcher [I24585]
  275. Smart, Eric Fleming OBE [I17633]
  276. Steele, Valma Lily [I17645]
  277. Stewart, William [I24546]
  278. Taylor, Florence Alicia [I27909]
  279. Thorne, George James [I24598]
  280. Tinney, Harriett [I1368]
  281. Torr, Alice Maud [I17162]
  282. Turner, Bertha Emmie [I17378]
  283. Venning, George Reinhold Jasper [I17632]
  284. Waddle, Harold William [I17654]
  285. Waterhouse, Cyril Meredith [I17438]
  286. Watkins, Frederick George [I1385]
  287. Watts, Thelma Amy [I17252]
  288. Weidenhofer, Karl [I17630]
  289. White, Frank William Nelson [I17675]
  290. White, William Nelson [I24600]
  291. Whitford, Doris Margaret [I17462]
  292. Whitford, Victor Frederick George [I17455]
  293. Whyatt, Laurence Frederick [I17535]
  294. Williams, Aubrey Mervyn [I17240]
  295. Willison, Mary Muir [I17339]
  296. Wilton, Charles Robert [I24578]
  297. Wilton, Myrtle May [I27898]
  298. Wilton, Norman Charles Stanley [I27899]
  299. Wilton, Vena Alice Silverious [I27900]
  300. Wiper, George Herbert [I24574]
  301. Wiper, Joan Irene [I17649]
  302. le Peair, Violet Partricia Enid [I17668]